gostars z TBN byl tak hodný a dal mi návod na tvoření packu sirén. Nemám čas na přeložení do češtiny, tak zde máš zatím anglický návod:
First you locate the goal horn files. Sfx.ast is located in audio/sfx/streams, and Sfx.abk is located in audio/sfx/RAM. Copy these two files to another folder, putting both files in the same folder.
Then you use the NHL_07_Ast_Pack_11 program which is found in the download area of this website in http://www.thebreakaway.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=1348 Open the program and click on unpack. Find the two files you just copied and moved. The program will unpack the files into a new folder called sfx_ which will be located in the same folder as the NHL_07_Ast_Pack_11 is.
Next, you need to use wimpditt found http://forums.nba-live.com/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=34 Convert all your goal horns using this program.
Then, using NHL07AsfPlayer, also found on this website http://www.thebreakaway.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=112, open the files in the new sfx_ folder, and find the files you want to replace with your new goal horns. Once you have found one, copy your converted goal horn file into the sfx_ folder, delete the file you want to replace, and rename your goal horn to the name the old file had. (It will be sfx_000xx)
Once you’ve replaced all the goal horns you want, go back into the ast_pack program, and this time, click on pack. Choose the sfx_ folder, and the program will pack this folder back up and put the two files you need in the folder where the pack program is. They will be named sfx_.ast and sfx_.abk. Copy these two files into your NHL09 directory.
Then rename the two files. You need to take the dashes out, so it should look like this: sfx.ast and sfx.abk. Then, use the NHL Horns.bat from my goal horns to install yours. All it does is take the entire goal horn file you’ve just modified and put it in the game. Then, change the goal horn numbers in NHLView, and you’re done!